* Introduction:
MDNF was formally established on 14 June 2012. It is an umbrella organization of 145 Dalit NGOs/CSOs from all 21 districts of Terai/Madhesh to raise collective voices of Madheshi Dalit community to ensure their right, dignity and opportunity through policy influence, networking/alliance building and empowerment. Upholding human right culture and democratic norms/values are the basic principles of MDNF. Registered with District Administration Office (DAO) in Kathmandu and affiliated with Social Welfare Council (SWC), MDNF is an independent and autonomous organization governed by a central executive committee of nine members for three-year term elected through a democratic process. MDNF provides technical supports to its member organizations (MOS) and other Dalit related NGOs in capacity building, coordination, empowerment, alliance building and resource mobilization etc. MDNF supports its MOS to promote right based approach (RBA), access to justice, quality services, coordination, fosters collaboration with government and international organizations including development partners. MDNF jointly with its MOS and wider CSOs/NGOs/networks advocates to protect and promote human rights in line with international human rights laws and practices. It supports the MOs and wider CSOs to follow RBA through participatory planning, inclusion, transparency and accountability to deliver quality services to right holders.
* Vision:
Discrimination free Nepali society where all people live with equal respect and dignity.
* Mission:
Contribute to eliminate cast-based discrimination and untouchability through capacity building and empowerment of Dalit organizations by networking and collaboration with likeminded wider organizations.
* Goal:
By 2030, MDNF will contribute to bring socio-economic transformation and increase political representation of Madheshi Dalits at all of State structures through empowering MOS to advocate for justice, inclusive and equality guaranteed by Constitution.
* Objectives:
1. To promote human rights culture and democratic norms in order to strengthen human dignity and equality.
2. To unite Dalit NGOs and strengthen their capacity to deliver quality services for Dalit community.
3. To lead policy advocacy at all tiers of governments against caste-based discrimination/untouchability, social injustices, exploitations, inhumanity and poverty.
4. To work for the sustainability of MDNF and its member organization.
5. To be member of national and international networks and alliances to foster solidarity for promoting Dalit's rights.
* Values:
• Equality.
• Mutual respect.
• Working together.
• Secularism.
• Constructive dialogue.
• Non-violent advocacy approach.
* Working Approach:
MDNF believes on constructive dialogues with decision-makers and state authorities hence employs non-confrontational advocacy approaches. MDNF focuses on networking and coalition formation of CSOs to advance advocacy for socio-economic rights and political representation of Dalit in line with the Constitution and international human rights laws.
* Secretariat member of ESCR National Network:
MDNF is an active secretariat member of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR) National Network that was established by CSOs in March 2017. MDNF Being member of ESCR Network Advocates to ESCR Ensure that are guaranteed by the Constitution of Nepal and International human rights instruments to which Nepal is State party. As a member of ESCR National Network, MDNF launches advocacy campaigns to ensure ESCR by federal, provincial and local governments.
Major Programmes
* Policy advocacy through networks and alliances:
Through ESCR National Network and its member organizations, MDNF has been engaged in policy advocacy to promote economic, social and cultural rights such as right to free and compulsory education, right to health, right to land, right to housing, right to food and food sovereignty, right to reproductive health, right against caste-based discrimination and untouchability practices etc. On 6 September 2018, MDNF including other ESCR Network members submitted memorandum to Hon. Speaker of House of Representatives with demand to make new laws in conformity with the constitution of Nepal an international human rights laws to which Nepal is State party. Similarly, on the occasion of international day of girls rights (11 Oct), MONF and ESCR Network members memorandum submitted to Minister for Women, Children and Social Welfare as well as to all 753 local governments with demand to provide free education and livelihood opportunities to girls, take actions against sexual and gender-based violence, free access to justice for the survivors of sexual and gender-based and domestic violence, allegation of witch-craft etc.
* Dialogue on 'Aid Effectiveness on Education of Girls from Marginalized Communities': On 19 September 2017, MDNF in collaboration with Justice and Rights Institute (JURI-Nepal) organized ESCR Dialogue On 'Aid Effectiveness on Education of Girls from Marginalized Communities' in Kathmandu that was participated by Ministry of Education, UN agencies, INGOS/NGOS, Educationists, Universities and media. The dialogue event reinforces for effective implementation of foreign aid for the education of girls from marginalized communities.
* MDNF's initiative to End Animal Sacrifice in order to End Caste-based Discrimination: MDNF in support of Human Society International (HIS) organized interaction programme in Bara on 4 Dec 2018 then continues to raise awareness in Bara and Rautahat districts against Animal Sacrifice during the Gadhi Mai Mela in Gadhi Mai Temple in Bara. The Dalits are forced to eat the meat of Sacrifice animals that has helped to continue caste-based discrimination and untouchability in this area so MDNF has been involved against this act.
* Support of Relief material during flood and tornado in Bara and Parsa districts: On 31 March 2019, a powerful "rainstorm" swept across Bara and Parsa districts that killed at least 28 and injured more than 1,100 people which was later confirmed as the first tornado/ in Nepal, MDNF coordinated with Assam Downtown University Guwahiti, NGF College of Engineering & Technology, New Delhi, Laxmi Educational Consultancy, Kathmandu and distributed relief materials to the victims.
* Municipality level orientations against smoking and tobacco related diseases: In support of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population, MONE jointly organized Municipality level orientation event on The Control and Treatment of Smoking on 20 June 2020 in coordination with Rajdevi Municipality of Rautahat district. That event was participated by more than 40 participants including Chairperson of Rajdevi Municipality, members, key staffs and municipality level stakeholders keeping social distance. Similarly. orientations were organized in all 9 wards where about 250 participants have participated.
Ward level orientation to raise awareness:
MDNF in coordination with ward offices of Rajdevi Municipality organized orientation to raise awareness against diseases caused by smoking and tobacco in all 9 wards. Ward level orientations were participated by more than 450 people mostly women and youth including ward authorities, civil society representatives, women group representatives, media and general people. The orientation programmes were much interactive. The role of local governments to raise awareness and control of smoking and consumption of tobacco through adopting policies and effective implementation.
* Street Drama against smoking and tobacco related diseases:
MDNF organized street drama in all 9 wards of Rajdevi Municipality to raise awareness on diseases caused by smoking and tobacco and its treatment. The street drama was organized from 15-20 June 2020 which was support of Government of Nepal, Ministry of Health and Population. Street drama was watched by more than 500 persons amid the fear of COVID-19
* Networking at the international level:
MDNF has established coordination and alliances with international federation and agencies working to end caste-based discrimination globally. So far MDNF has extended its networking with Dr. Ambedkar National Unity Forum-Lucknow. MDNF has strategy to expand its networking with international Dalit solidarity network (IDSN)-Denmark and National campaign for Dalit Human Right (NCDHR) India, International movement against all forms of Discrimination & Racism (IMADR)-Japan, International Commission for Dalit Right, (ICDR), Advocacy, Research & Monitoring (ARM) Division etc.
*Education, Health and Livelihood programmes:
In support of KETAKETI Germany/Society for Protection of Women & Children Kathmandu, MDNF has been implementing education, health and livelihood programmes in Rauthat, Bara, Parsa and Sarlahi. Women's saving and credit groups are formed and supported to conduct income generation activities. Women groups are supported for small business such as goat raising, small retail business, knitting, weaving and sewing etc. Additional teachers are supported to schools and stationery materials are supported to students from poor and marginalized communities. Health camps are organized in schools and for general population.